Monday, March 30, 2015

Being a Follower of Jesus Christ

Three characteristics of a follower of Jesus are,
1.      Follower. To be a disciple one must make a decision to follow Jesus. This means receiving Christ into one’s life as Lord and Savior; “following means that we recognize and accept who Jesus is as Lord, leader, and master of our lives.”[1] It all starts here. Without Christ in one’s life there really is no good, no service, and no love that can truly be expressed because motives will always be off. We must deal with sin through Jesus in order to live life genuinely.
2.      Committed. A follower of Christ is a committed person to the cause of his King. He will do whatever Christ demands of him, even forfeiting his relationships. Luke 14:26 is a hard scripture to grasp. Does God the Son really expect us to hate and/or abandon our immediate family for his sake? The people we love and have grown up with, the ones who have nurtured and cared for us, those that have been there through the tough and tumble times – but I can’t even see you Jesus? This passage is so much more that. Christ desires our commitment to him be greater than any other – that our love for him is so deep that it seems like we harbor hatred but keep in mind that “hatred here is a comparative term. Our love for Christ is so great, so consuming that, in comparison; it feels like hatred (disdain) for others.”[2] Our minds and heart so belong to him that we are willing to drop everyone and everything and go.
3.      Love. At the heart of a true disciple is love. Love for God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and love for neighbor. This begs the question as found in scripture – who is my neighbor? In Luke 10:25-37 we read the parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus informs us that he or she that is willing to help a person in need (friend or foe) is neighborly, and he or she that is in need is our neighbor. Without love we would be hard pressed to live the genuine life of a disciple.

A disciple then is one that has received Christ into his life as Lord, leader, and master and is utterly committed to him and his will. He is full of love and is ready to delve deeply into God’s word for wisdom, guidance, and practice in order to glorify God and serve his neighbor. He is also committed to the mission of Christ - to go into all the world and preach the good news of salvation through Jesus' death and resurrection. 

[1] Jim Putman, Bobby Harington, Disciple Shift: Five Steps that Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013), 46.
[2] Dave Earely, Rod Dempsey, Disciple Making Is…How to Live the Great Commission with Passion and Confidence, (Nashville: B & H Publishing Group, 2013), 23.

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