Friday, March 27, 2015

Significance of Jesus' Resurrection for Christians

What is the significance of Jesus' resurrection for Christians? And, what does it mean that Jesus is "sitting at God's 'right hand'"? – I took the liberty of answering both at the same time.

            Unlike many other world religious figures, Jesus is alive! We as Christians serve a real, true, and alive Savior. No other major religion in the world can say that their figure head is still alive; Muhammad – dead; Russell – dead; Smith – dead; Gautama – dead; other world religions don’t even have founders, they were created in the minds of man to find within themselves the thing only God can give them through Jesus Christ – freedom. In addition, Bock says the resurrection shows Jesus is alive, but more importantly, it shows where He is positioned (at the right hand of God) and what He is doing from there (giving the gift of the Spirit)[1].
I would add, in Romans 8:34b it says, “Christ Jesus, who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” Christ is alive, pouring out His Spirit on His beloved sheep, and He makes intercession for us – making sure that we, the Father’s children, are constantly in the right because of Christ’s blood. He sits at the Father’s right Hand, pleased, satisfied; waiting for the time of His triumphant return.

[1] Darrell L. Bock, Acts: Baker Exegetical Commentary of the New Testament (Baker: Baker Publishing Group, 2007), 133.

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